Against all odds,
within and without,
You have marched on,
in plumes of flame and dust.
Your goals lie in the heavens themselves,
the heavens and the worlds beyond.
A billion eyes lift skyward,
and quite a few with envy too,
Let not failure stunt your desires,
nor success corrupt your ambition.
A silent sentinel of intelligent mind,
and sheathed in mighty steel,
Tonight we did dare to add,
a new bud in the bouquet of light.
A billion parents today,
have sired a brilliant child,
In rejoicing in your success,
we shall all stand alike.
Such is the penance that sages of yore,
practised to realize the Divine,
Much remains, much needs to be done,
But you have shown us the light.
Our goals lie in the heavens themselves,
the heavens and the worlds beyond.